Q + A with The Sunlight House | Newport Beach, CA

With lark, it is always about the people you meet along the way! We are thrilled to introduce the enthusiastic, whole hearted and innovative Wendy Leithem owner of the film + video design haven known as The Sunlight House ☀️ where we will soon be setting our communal table to enjoy food, wine, design & partake in the (lost) art of conversation. Come along with us as we take a dive below the surface by way of these fun dinner party questions:

Where are you from and where do you live now? 

I grew up on a farm in Yuma Arizona, and now live in Newport Beach. Newport Beach is where I raised my 3 boys and has tons of great memories.

What is your earliest design-related experience?

In my younger years I would always laugh as I could not even draw a stick man.  I never even knew I had any creative ability until I bought my first beach house in my 40’s. I was always an athlete and had corporate jobs. 

Sports: In high school and below, I played everything I could get my hands on. Volleyball, basketball, softball, I even competed in horse Jr Rodeo competitions (my dad was a professional rodeo cowboy). I also played flag football. After college I attempted to play pro beach volleyball, but it did not work out.

We love how you created The Sunlight House to not only be a warm + inviting home but also a commercial shoot location—and now you are opening it to lark! You are always open and growing, what is your secret? 

The Sunlight House

Usually by dumb luck! I have been super fortunate to work with people that have really taught me about manifesting and creating my dream life. Some trial and error for sure. All my endeavors just get more fun and more fun with meeting amazing people along the way. 

Since so many film shoots have happened at The Sunlight House—is there one or two fun/cool experiences to share?

The first that comes to mind was a shoot with Kareem Abdul Jabbar. What a treat. He was shooting a Pharma ad and his team was amazing.

The 2nd was probably being asked to have my sweet yellow lab Maddie be part of a shoot. I quickly learned how to be a  â€œdog handler” on set.  It was hilarious.  After the 10th take she actually began to stop on her mark.  I was nervous, but she was a rock star.

Thanks Maddie cakes!

What should people know about designing inviting spaces? Is there one easy “must do” tip you can give them?

I always want people to “feel” joy and light energy in any space I create. I want them to feel like they would love to hang out, invite friends over and just really feel a lightness of being from any space I create. 

You have two enterprises going at the same time with Hang3 which launched earlier this year (congrats!). Can you elaborate on the underlying inspiration to support local artists? 

Hang 3 is another endeavor I stumbled upon. I had a collection of my own shots from all over the world and one day I began putting them together.  I then contacted some local incredible photographers from all different  talents and asked for some of their favorite heart filled work and Hang3 was born.  I now shoot my own images as well as recruit painters/photographers and help to broker their work to the design trade and all over.  It has and is currently a wonderful learning experience. 

Inspiring artwork now available at Hang3shop.com

We feel their is an expression or feeling you want to share with your endeavors? Are we onto something?

As I grow older, I find that creative endeavors and using my own creative unique gifts and sharing it with others brings me the most joy. (Besides my amazing 3 boys of course). I feel absolutely blessed to be able to do what I love and also make wonderful revenue streams 

We know you enjoy curating spaces and entertaining, are you the chef at home? 

Ha! My 3 boys might challenge this, but I have started to really enjoy cooking and wine pairing as I have gotten older.  Sampling food from around the world and having unique eating opportunities has been so much fun. 

What ingredient can you not live without? 

Tequila and my hot tea!  Any type of fish and Mexican food comes in at a close 2nd. 

Who, if anyone in the world, would you most like to dine with?

There are so many…but today it would be Leanne Ford the designer.

Her effortless creative style is so inspiring. 

What is your most marked characteristic? 

Always finding the silver lining or positive in a situation, no matter how dire it may seem at the time.  The universe is always teaching us something for our highest good. 

Design or Business school? 

I actually  have an MBA from my corporate days. It has helped me tremendously in my real estate investing and running my businesses. Design school probably would not have been for me. I always have to be out in the world learning.

What not so obvious thing should people know about being an entrepreneur?

All the mistakes that lead you to your right path. I think also sometimes being terrified but doing it anyway. 

What word or phrase do you most over-use?

Embarrassingly, the F word can fly out of my mouth a bit when I least expect it during last minute issues or running behind for a deadline. I would also say “everything is always working out” and “you got this”. 

What is your idea of a perfect day? 

A wonderful morning meditation, a beautiful ocean hike with my wonderful girlfriends, time spent with all 3 of my boys (they are now all older and getting them all 3 together is super hard now with them on different parts of the country). Ending with a fabulous meal, my boys/ friends or any creative souls. 

Who are your heroes?

First would be my 3 boys…they are amazing and handle any challenge that comes their way like gladiators.  Second would be my amazing Uncle Clayton Kiewel. We just lost him. He was the patriarch in our family and the man/person we all aspired to be. 

✚  ✚  ✚ 

Modern. Organic. Inspirational. Social Dining. Come on a lark with us!

Friday 3/22/24 w/the talented Chef Kyle Powers + Sous Chef Bryan Barnes!

Open invite. Limited Seats.


Create. Collaborate. Elevate.

Action leads to opportunities.
Persistence pays.
The key is collaboration.

Yes, yes, we are super down for creating well styled dinner parties, the look & feel, the gathering of people, the delicious food, fun with fashion, but there’s a little more to our story. 

Lark is the culmination of talented people who come together to share what we are passionate about. We put our vision into action and invite e-v-e-r-y-o-n-e into the fold: the host, guest, chefs, sommelier, stylist, illustrator and the unknowing (soon to be delighted) bystander. 

In our collaborative approach we change the dynamic of the typical hierarchal relationship in the kitchen and in the dining room. A leveling of the field so to speak; where everyone invests and benefits from the experience. 

There is a purpose and through line to what we are creating. We are encouraging the good vibes and working this from all angles. This is because we are chasing a feeling that occurs when the energy in the room is in sync and the incremental unfolding of the evening feels…right. A playful lifting of mood and endless possibilities. A collective belonging, even if just for the moment.

And when all the elements come together it is like the formation of a star, bright and beautiful. With the ever evolving landscape the results feel kismet. We walk away, bellies and hearts full, knowing there will be positive ripple effects and that the next lark will be just as great. 

Modern. Organic. Inspirational. Social Dining.

Come on a lark with us!

Q & A with the talented Sean Woolsey of the California cool + refined Sean Woolsey Studio – Costa Mesa, CA

Image credit: Sean Woolsey Studio

Q & A with the talented Sean Woolsey of the California cool + refined Sean Woolsey Studio – Costa Mesa, CA

The vibe of the showroom and workshop emanates a creative and refined energy. You might think this is what lead us to Sean Woolsey Studio, and you are right, but that is just the tip of the iceberg. It is really about recognizing and respecting the journey of our fellow dreamers. Layers of inspiration to be discovered in the following Q & A session from youthful enthusiasms, to disciplined lifestyle choices, to admired artists + writers:

Q. Where did you grow up? 

I grew up in Orange County (in Yorba Linda to be exact) and grew up skateboarding, surfing, playing baseball and constantly making things. 

Q. Did you ever make anything out of wood/other materials as a child..is there a golden thread here?

I grew up always skateboarding and making skate ramps, always making artwork, and sewing my own clothing. I was a very hands on kid, heavily influenced by skate and surf culture and my dad who made amazing stained glass pieces for a living. 

Q. What motivated you to make furniture + game tables?

At first a desire to make things for myself, the ping pong came first after woodworking for a few years, for us just to have at the shop to play some games while at work. 

Q. When it comes to your current work, what is your most treasured possession?

Probably the Neo Pool Table that we make as a product. It is the most difficult to make, and with that comes great rewards. 

Q. College/Trade School, yay or nay? 

Took several woodworking classes, and did a short apprenticeship for a woodworker. 

Q. From whom did you inherit your aesthetic? 

A mix of my mom, dad, traveling, my wife, and my friends. 

Q. What is your favorite journey?

My wife and I traveled around America for 8 weeks in a Westfalia van one summer. It was a bucket list item and was an amazing experience. 

Q. Who are your favorite artists or writers?

Soooo many. In no particular order: Sam Maloof, Finn Juhl, Wharton Esherick, George Nakashima, Robert Rauschenburg, Jean Michel Basquiat, Joseph Eichler, and writers Chuck Palahniuk and Ayn Rand.

What do you find yourself saying when asked about your work?

I love what I do. I am obsessed with making things and constantly learning. 

What is your motto?

Attention to detail is the religion of success. 

Does your skillset travel to the kitchen? 

Yeah, I love cooking. 

What is your most prized ingredient or go-to meal?

Go to meals would be pizza in our pizza oven at home or spaghetti and meatballs, or handmade pasta. 

When it comes to design + dining, what comes to mind?

For me both cooking and designing/making are similar in that good ingredients (whether it be produce on a farm or wood from a mill) produce beautiful finished products, and I love food and design that tells a full story. Lark is a great example of this as working with local chefs using in season produce to create a culinary experience that is very unique. 

Woodworking @seanwoolseystudio
Image credit: Sean Woolsey Studio

Modern. Organic. Inspirational. Social Dining. Come on a lark with us!

Friday, May 5, 2023 w/the talented Chef Taylor Elam

Sean Woolsey Studio
770 W 17th St Unit 1
Costa Mesa, CA 92627
(17th & Placentia)

More details, including the menu, here

Modern. Organic. Inspirational. Social Dining. Come on a lark with us!

Q+A with Jan McCarthy of the Cannery Artist Colony – Newport Beach, CA

We’re thrilled to create + collaborate with the Cannery Artist Colony of Newport Beach. We met Artist and Creative Life Connoisseur Jan McCarthy through a mutual friend (who we met on a lark!).

We were about to set our communal table at her residence in the gorgeous green Eastern Building in DTLA when the world shut down. Then, when we reconnected, she had relocated to the seaside town of Newport Beach and became a part of the Cannery Artist Colony.

We are thankful for her invitation to set our communal table with the Cannery Artist Colony whose inspiring and delightful ateliers reside among the numbered streets of Newport Beach:

Q. Tell us about the Cannery Artist Colony.

A. The building we are in originally had 3 artists but in the last year 3 more of us have joined the collective space. It is so great that we each have our own private studio space and focus on different types and approaches to creating art, but are able to meet up when we are in residence and share ideas as well as support each other.   

Q. Who are they?

Jan McCarthy @janmccarthy 

Linda Wooters @whatabouther 

Ilona Martin @ilona_artist

Deborah Harold @deborah_harold_studios

Janet Bludau @bludau

Carole Aikins @caroleakins

Q. Where are they from? 

A. We come from all different places, Some of the women have been in the Newport area for a long time and even had children in the same school together, or met at various painting classes. I am a newcomer to the group, coming from Los Angeles and Boulder, Colorado just over a year ago, but I appreciate how welcoming everyone has been.

Q. What would you say about their personalities + style? 

JAN MCCARTHY https://www.janmccarthy.com/ Modern, Sophisticated, Bold and Edgy, each mark or stroke of the brush is a signature gesture as a way to connect and share flashpoints of time or place. Jan’s art gives a nod to independence and freedom, a suggestion to defy the norm, stay curious and seek adventure,  Influences are from a background of travel, interior design, creative pursuits, and a curious and wild imagination. 

LINDA WOOTERS www.lindawooters.com Drawn to the juxtaposition of patterns and loose brush strokes to create modern impressionistic landscapes. She is influenced by living near the ocean and observing it’s ever changing moods.

CAROLE AIKINS www.caroleaikins.com – Carole’s work could be described as bold, whimsical, and vivid! She lets the subject of her paintings present themselves as she paints, much like a drama or fiction, revealing the surprise story once the painting is completed. Her early creative pursuits, such as interior design, travel, and living in France have greatly influenced her work, 

DEBORAH HAROLD www.deborahharold.com An interior designer turned artist, Deborah is passionate about painting and travel. She considers herself an abstract impressionist with a keen sense of color, using quick and spontaneous brushstrokes to create shapes that allow the mind to fill in the blanks.

ILONA MARTIN https://ilona-art.com Ilona’s naive approach to Impressionist painting has given her a risk-taker reputation. Her love for a montage of color and shapes found in nature inspires her to paint and her work has a European influence, stemming from her German heritage and travels around the world.  

JANET BLUDAU www.janetbludau.com Janet’s work offers up a cool color palette, inspired by an impressionistic era combining it with a contemporary approach. She describes her work as abstracted realism, intuitively applying color, and using her background in design to help her insert shapes and graphic lines to create a beautiful piece of art.  

Q. Are any of the artists cooks? 

A. We have monthly dinner parties and everyone makes something extraordinary, so yes, even if we don’t cook on a regular basis, we know how to perfect the art of dining.

Q. What makes the Cannery Artist Colony a perfect pairing for a lark? 

A. It is a cozy space that lends itself to creativity and inspiration. Having the menu, table and area designed around a creative and artistic community, it is the perfect place to appreciate a lark. 

Q. Any history you can share of the building or neighborhood? 

A. In 1921, the area known as Cannery Village was a commercial fish cannery between 30th and Lido Park Drive but after it closed around 1966, it’s natural charm and seaside location attracted creative businesses, artists and tourists as the ideal site to gather.  

Q. Art School, yay or nay? 

A. I started making art just a little over 10 years ago and I’ve never been to art school. It may have been helpful to learn specific techniques, but I’ve really loved learning from others and experimenting on my own, and therefore feel confident in trusting my intuition and making mistakes. Some of my fellow artists did attend art school but we all have our own unique style. 

Q. We feel the culinary world + art world go hand in hand, do you agree? 

A. Absolutely, it is about bringing together imagination, color, design, mood, creativity, and a full experience of the senses. 

Modern. Organic. Inspirational. Come on a lark with us!

Thursday, September 15, 2022 w/Chef Taylor Elam.

the Cannery Artist Colony 
420 31st Street
Newport Beach, CA 92663
(Newport Blvd x 31st Street, between Alta Cafe + The Board Room)

Lark x Cleobella x Chef Taylor Elam

Our last gathering of 2021 found us in a bundle of good energy as we came together to for a “private” pop-up dinner party.

We seldom do private events, but we can be convinced through sheer sincerity and determination.

Friday, December 4, 2021

Lark x Cleobella x Chef Taylor Elam

Here we gathered around the communal table to be inspired by the surroundings, enjoy an amazing chef crafted meal & partake in the (lost) art of conversation. 

Menu by Chef Taylor Elam of @merkato

Amuse Bouche

Charred Spanish Octopus preserved lemon + mint chermoula

Prix Fixe

Crispy Sunchoke / crispy sunchoke + pummelo + burrata + squash seed gremolata + fennel crudo

Chicory Greens  / chicory greens + beet + apple + pumpernickel crouton + ricotta salata + ash honey vinaigrette

Meyer Ranch Hanger Steak / meyer ranch hanger steak + winter squash + roasted maitake + carrot top salsa verde

Olive Oil Cake / olive oil cake w/lavender cream

We had such a good time collaborating with Chef Taylor Elam to create a special moment for our friend Angela — and we are thankful to @kathryncoblyphotography for capturing the moment. 

Modern. Organic. Inspirational. Social Dining. Come on a lark with us!

Create. Collaborate. Elevate.

@letsgoonalark @merkato @cleobellaboutique @kathryncolbyphotography @lunareece.ceramics

Super fun & delicious times! We look forward to sharing more good vibes in 2023!

Lark x Urban Americana x Chef Kyle Powers |The Dream Is Real in Long Beach, California

Friday, September 13, 2019

The moment before the guest arrive. Image captured by @mb.maher on a super fun lark at Urban Americana in Long Beach!

We started our late summer adventures at our favorite designer playground known as Urban Americana in Long Beach. Having popped-up at this unique location before, we knew we were in for a special evening. You cannot take a step inside this gorgeous vintage warehouse without being inspired by the timeless style of the past, while simultaneously dreaming of the future. This gentle pull + push lands you in a rare space we like to call the present moment.

It is such an honor to have Chris Geer, owner + creator of our favorite designer playground Urban Americana, embrace lark and open the doors to our curious & adventurous guests — and even more so to have him an his wife join us at the communal table.

Chris Geer (Urban Americana) + Lisa Martinez (Lark) on a lark at the super hip Urban Americana in Long Beach!

We spent the evening doing what we do best, creating good vibes, acquainting with friends old and new, delving into interesting conversations and sharing delicious food.

Stylist @maysonhauck always sets the good vibes! Image captured by @mb.maher on a super fun lark at Urban Americana in Long Beach

Our guests, ranging from designers to deep sea explorers to culinary lovers took to the lark with ease embracing the connections that come so naturally when immersed in such an inspirational setting. 

Guest mingle amongst the cool mid-century + antique vibes of Urban Americana. Image captured by foodie, photographer + conversationalist: @mb.maher

Manuel, of Manuel The Band, kicked off the evening playing acoustic guitar and singing Casual Love while we mingled about sipping on  local / vegan / sustainable 2017 Finke’s Sparkling White Blend hand selected by Billy O’Connell of @winc and poured with love by wine aficionado (+ yoga enthusiast) Tyler Rodriguez.

This is our seriously talented friend Manuel. He is in the band. @manueltheband check them out!

Chef Kyle Powers & Sous Chef Nelson Johnson created the most awesome looking makeshift kitchen from Urban Americana’s beautifully weathered industrial work bench sending the the first smells of crispy garlic + fried mushrooms into the air with innate and palpable enthusiasm.

Chef Kyle Powers + Nelson Johnson rocking the Makeshift Kitchen, California Style, at Urban Americana!
Welcome to the prep! Image captured by @mb.maher on a super fun lark at Urban Americana in Long Beach
Guest settle in for an evening of food, wine & conversation.Image captured by @mb.maher at Urban Americana in Long Beach!

As this was lark #50, we took a moment to share-and be thankful for-our collaborative approach where we work should-to-shoulder to create these larks and all of the fulfillment that has come from doing what we love, especially the idea of recognizing and appreciating each other, our supporters, and the moment. 

Tyler Rodriguez, Lisa Martinez, Kailee Walters, Daniel Perlof, Nelson Trey and Kyle Powers–on a lark!
Steamed clams in dashi: crispy garlic. seaweed. watermelon radish. fried mushrooms compliments of Chef Kyle Powers.
Tyler Rodriguez captured by @mb.maher on a super fun lark at Urban Americana in Long Beach
Steamed clams in dashi: crispy garlic. seaweed. watermelon radish. fried mushrooms compliments of Chef Kyle Powers!
Daniel Perlof on prep! Image captured by @mb.maher on a super fun lark at Urban Americana in Long Beach!
Image captured by @mb.maher on a super fun lark at Urban Americana in Long Beach
Because we are in this together! Super fun times on a lark at Urban Americana in Long Beach. Image captured by @mb.maher
Fried reed avocado: crab. fried herbs. lemon chili aioli compliments of Chef Kyle Powers. So good!
@kaileeinthekitchen captured by @mb.maher on a super fun lark at Urban Americana in Long Beach
Super grateful to all the “yes” people in the room! Image captured by @mb.maher on a super fun lark at Urban Americana in Long Beach!
Image captured by @mb.maher on a super fun lark at Urban Americana in Long Beach

How fortunate we feel to having our favorite foodie + conversationalist Mitch Maher capture the evening and to be accompanied by the endless talents of: Jack-of-all-Trades Daniel Perlof, Stylist Mayson Hauck, Ceramicist Andrea Luna Reece and Food Blogger Kailee in the Kitchen

A little “bluffer” –2018 The Bluffer ValdiguiĂŠ–from our friends @winc thoroughly enjoyed on a lark at Urban Americana.
Beef tenderloin + beets: golden berry. golden beet. shish leaves / strawberry. red beet. Image captured by @mb.maher on a super fun lark at Urban Americana in Long Beach

A surprise (thanks Kyle!) awaits on the tail end of our lark, when Rita Pham of mcakesweets showcased her amazing talents in creating the most beautiful & best tasting desserts including a gorgeous Earl Grey Cake making this occasion extra sweet. 

Rita Pham of @mcakesweeks rocks the celebratory vibes on a lark at Urban Americana in Long Beach!
@mcakesweeks rocks the celebratory vibes on a super fun (50th!) lark at Urban Americana in Long Beach!
@mcakesweets, Chef Kyle Powers + Nelson Johnson roll into our”50th” lark pop-up communal dinner party!
Rita Pham of @mcakesweeks rocks the celebratory vibes on a lark at Urban Americana in Long Beach!
Rita Pham of @mcakesweeks rocks the celebratory vibes on a lark at Urban Americana in Long Beach!
Image captured by @mb.maher on a super fun lark at Urban Americana in Long Beach!

Modern. Organic. Inspirational. Social Dining. Come on a lark with us! 


As we are always on a lark…here’s a few {personal} moments to share:

Clam-less in Long Beach

Unfortunately the adventure was too much for one little clam (he didn’t make the lark). Soon I discovered that all the elements of this dish, clam excluded, were over-the-top satisfying. 

Lark Therapy 

I was well into a conversation, dabbling into bits of my history (military brat, late bloomer, endlessly curious), when I learned I was speaking with a professional therapist. I feel better already! 

Why Do I Feel Happy

A gentleman on a lark leaned over and said, I feel happier than I have in a long time and I don’t know why. We all chimed in on the endless benefits of social dining.

Hot Yoga

As a universal rule, we only lark in extreme weather and this smoking hot evening was no exception. We laughed at how the high humidity made our “purposeful work” (set up + breakdown) feel more like hot yoga!

Guerrilla Lark | Traipsing Around the Super Hip Shorebreak Hotel in Huntington Beach, California

A fast + fun way to get our creative juices flowing, uplift each other and thank our collaborators. Oh, and sometimes, taste some wine! Thanks to @winc for introducing us to “Folly of the Beast” Pinot Noir – it is definitely one of our our favs!

Super thankful to @kathryncolbyphotography for not only capturing the vibe, but for bringing all her good energy + ideas to our playful gathering.

We loved meeting Angie Boyd creator of @lupthelabel who shared with us her latest design, LOVE! Don’t be surprised if you find us wearing these gorgeous threads on a future lark!

Create + Collaborate + Elevate

This lark took place at the swanky (+ super accommodating) Shorebreak Hotel in Huntington Beach, California

Someone is ready to go on a lark! Image features Kate Spade Glasses, Anthropologie Beach Bag, a bottle of Folly of the Beast Pinot Noir + this super hip Black Matte Swiss Cross by @lunareececeramics PC @kathryncolbyphotography
Lisa Martinez, Owner & Creative Director, setting the stage on a super fun guerrilla lark in Huntington Beach. Image by @kathryncolbyphotography features antique textiles from @igotrugs
Gorgeous 3 pocket linen jumper-dress handmade and designed by the talented @lupothelabel – PC to @kathryncolbyphotography
This red takes its name from the great Moby Dick quote “For there is no folly of the beast on earth that is no infinitely outdone by the madness of men”. Super thankful @winc suggested this delicious California produced (and vegan) wine for our upcoming lark!
We believe in working shoulder to shoulder with people who are passionate about their craft. We have been inspired by @lupothelabel since day one! Create + Collaborate + Elevate. PC to @kathryncolbyphotography
One thing leads to another. Diggin’ this gorgeous hand-made bohemian leather clutch by @dwleather and captured so well by @kathryncolbyphotography ! Thanks for the intro @lupothelabel !
We are pretty much obsessed with the minimalistic + modern style of @graflantz ! Introduced to us on a super fun lark with the ultra hip @coastmodern in Seal Beach. PC by @kathryncolbyphotography

On a Super Hip lark at Costa Cabana w/RCTNGL in East Side Costa Mesa, California

Friday, January 25, 2019. Lark #44 Where Fashion Culture meets Food Culture, the photos say it all. We had the most amazing time on a lark at the super hip fashion house of Costa Cabana in East Side Costa Mesa enjoying the tropical vibe, food, drinks + {the lost art of} conversation.

Here we collaborated “hand in hand” with the talented and passionate chefs of L.A.’s rctngl {the shape of a table} who shared their version of “Asia meets L.A.” delicious Kamayan experience; where we all enjoyed eating with our hands!

We are grateful to all the beautiful people who gathered to make this a memorable & magical evening. Special thanks to Chef Andrew Marco+ Chef Ralph Hsiao of @rctngl, Lauren Flores of @costacabana, @stylingbyjo, @lunareeceramics, @frenchbuckets, @housebeer, @theurbanspring, @maysonhauck, Daniel Perlof and our forever curious + adventurous guests!

Menu crafted by @rctngl:

INATOG/corn, calamansi butter, palapa, red onion, cilantro

BROKOLI/broccolini, pinakurat aioli, fermented fresno, palapa

INIHAW NA BABOY/pork jowl, banana ketchup marinade, garlic

PINRITONG MAYA MAYA/red snapper, soy, lemongrass, garlic, ginger

INIHAW NA HIPON/shrimp, crab fat, lemongrass

ADOBONG PAKPAK/chicken wings, sorry, vin, garlic

LUMPIA SHANGHAI/eggroll, pork, carrot, onion, peas

LECHE FLAN/creme caramel, raspberry, Japanese shiso, caramel shards

+ + + + +

Modern. Organic. Inspirational. Social Dining. Come on a lark with us! Next up, 2/22/19 at Coast Modern in Seal Beach with the talented + self-taught Chef Kyle Powers.

Gin & Pom Cocktail with Marigold compliments of rctngl
INATOG/corn, calamansi butter, palapa, red onion, cilantro
PINRITONG MAYA MAYA/red snapper, soy, lemongrass, garlic, ginger
ADOBONG PAKPAK/chicken wings, sorry, vin, garlic
On a super fun lark with @rctngl at Costa Cabana in East Side Costa Mesa!
LUMPIA SHANGHAI/eggroll, pork, carrot, onion, peas
On a super fun lark with @rctngl at Costa Cabana in East Side Costa Mesa!
On a super fun lark with @rctngl at Costa Cabana in East Side Costa Mesa!
On a super fun lark with @rctngl at Costa Cabana in East Side Costa Mesa!
PINRITONG MAYA MAYA/red snapper, soy, lemongrass, garlic, ginger + House Beer!
Ladies who lark!
LECHE FLAN/creme caramel, raspberry, Japanese shiso, caramel shards
On a super fun lark with @rctngl at Costa Cabana in East Side Costa Mesa!

Photo credit to our favorite foodie + conversationalist MBMaher.com

Lark + Urban Americana + Chef Kyle Powers | Embracing All Things Retro in Long Beach, California

Friday, August 31, 2018

We had the most amazing time setting our communal table at the ultra hip designer playground Urban Americana  in East Long Beach. The space is so inviting and inspirational… to walk through the warehouse listening to music and taking in beautiful elements of design was magical. Add friends (old and new), great conversation, delicious food and wine pairing (thanks Chef Kyle Powers, Tyler Rodriguez & crew!), a touch of style…. ah, well, there you have lark!

Thanks to all the beautiful people who who came together to make this night possible.

Until we lark again.


Menu crafted by the talented Chef Kyle Powers of Fork In the Road Catering and pair with wine from California based Waylan Wine Co.

1. pistachio +  cashew apple butter toast
2. heirloom tomato salad basil oil tomato water basil flowers burrata grey salt.
3. brussel sprout tortelli, black garlic dust, crispy mortadella * sub king mushroom for vegan *
4. smoked then fried duck, sage waffle, luxardo cherry sauce, green onion tahini puree.  *vegan option: sesame and macadamia crusted tempah, fried rainbow cauliflower, green onion tahini*
5. peach tea whiskey (by stillhouse) infused strawberries, smoked cream, sable cookie, brulee figs.

+ + + + +

Organic. Modern. Inspirational.

Lark inspired by Chris Greer, owner of Urban Americana / Images captured by the lovely and talented @taliadecoite / Hand-made ceramics by our favorite artisan Andrea of @lunareececeramics / Wine Aficionado Tyler Rodriguez / Fashion inspired by @stylingbyjo / Overall awesomeness by @laurabrophyinteriors + @jaxsea / Pure water + Wilson’s Coffee by @theurbanspring / Cool finds by @shopkeye

On a lark at Urban Americana Summer 2018

On a lark at Urban Americana Summer 2018

On a lark at Urban Americana Summer 2018

On a lark at Urban Americana Summer 2018

On a lark at Urban Americana Summer 2018

Chef Kyle Powers on a lark at Urban Americana Summer 2018

On a lark at Urban Americana Summer 2018

On a lark at Urban Americana Summer 2018