Create + Collaborate + Elevate, on repeat.

Here we find our wandering selves on the gorgeous island of Maui with fellow larker (and now resident) Chef Daniel Perlof who curated a delicious menu for our gathering:
+ + + maui sunrise menu + + +
quiche florentine accompanied by Hi-Spice hot sauce
burrata, molokai purple sweet potatoes topped w/pumpkin spice crumble
kielbasa sausage + tree fruits w/cranberry garnish
local cold brew coffee
earthy juice blend

Images captured by photographer @annagokieli feature the people, places, & things that inspire and keep us moving forward.

#itcomesinwaves #alwaysonalark #guerrillalark #lark #intentional #creativesession #chefdanielperlof #menusubjecttochange #mastersofmakeshift #goodtimes #goodvibes #create #collaborate #elevate #cultivate #inspire #food #fashion #flowers #passion #hawaii #maui #kihei #fall2022

Modern. Organic. Inspirational. Social Dining.
Come on a lark with us!