Guerrilla Lark, Kihei, Maui – Fall 2022

Chef Daniel Perlof and The Golden M.D. on a guerrilla lark in Kihei, Maui, image captured by Anna Gokieli

Create + Collaborate + Elevate, on repeat.

Super fun (& delicious) times a guerrilla lark in Kihei, Maui, image captured by Anna Gokieli

Here we find our wandering selves on the gorgeous island of Maui with fellow larker (and now resident) Chef Daniel Perlof who curated a delicious menu for our gathering:

+ + + maui sunrise menu + + +

quiche florentine accompanied by Hi-Spice hot sauce

burrata, molokai purple sweet potatoes topped w/pumpkin spice crumble 

kielbasa sausage + tree fruits w/cranberry garnish

local cold brew coffee

earthy juice blend 

Super fun (& delicious) times a guerrilla lark in Kihei, Maui, image captured by Anna Gokieli

Images captured by photographer @annagokieli feature the people, places, & things that inspire and keep us moving forward.

Super fun (& delicious) times a guerrilla lark in Kihei, Maui, image captured by Anna Gokieli

#itcomesinwaves #alwaysonalark #guerrillalark #lark #intentional #creativesession #chefdanielperlof #menusubjecttochange #mastersofmakeshift #goodtimes #goodvibes #create #collaborate #elevate #cultivate #inspire #food #fashion #flowers #passion #hawaii #maui #kihei #fall2022

Earrings discovered at TRIBE on a day trip to the awesome and stylish mountain town of Makawoa
Having fun with the people and places that inspire us. Guerrilla lark, Kihei, Maui

Modern. Organic. Inspirational. Social Dining.

Come on a lark with us!

You know that thing you’ve always wanted to do? You should do it. | Dreamers & Doers in Bolsa Chica, California

We often visualize communal tables in spaces where people can gather, be themselves and connect with others. Our biggest inspiration has always been Mother Nature; hence we decided to feed our creative vibe with a small ā€œguerrillaā€ lark at the gorgeous Bolsa Chica Ecological Preserve in Huntington Beach, California. This expansive space provided us the most amazing opportunity to think out loud about lark, as is our motto: Do, Reflect, Refine, Do Again. We are excited to continue our journey by deliberately embracing and gravitating towards the things we loveā€¦.good conversations, gatherings involving amazing food & drinks, chefs with passion, style, design, photography, art, books, inspired spaces, and, of course, one of the things we love is sharing our adventures with you! Come on a lark with us! xo~l

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