Q + A with The Sunlight House | Newport Beach, CA

With lark, it is always about the people you meet along the way! We are thrilled to introduce the enthusiastic, whole hearted and innovative Wendy Leithem owner of the film + video design haven known as The Sunlight House ☀️ where we will soon be setting our communal table to enjoy food, wine, design & partake in the (lost) art of conversation. Come along with us as we take a dive below the surface by way of these fun dinner party questions:

Where are you from and where do you live now? 

I grew up on a farm in Yuma Arizona, and now live in Newport Beach. Newport Beach is where I raised my 3 boys and has tons of great memories.

What is your earliest design-related experience?

In my younger years I would always laugh as I could not even draw a stick man.  I never even knew I had any creative ability until I bought my first beach house in my 40’s. I was always an athlete and had corporate jobs. 

Sports: In high school and below, I played everything I could get my hands on. Volleyball, basketball, softball, I even competed in horse Jr Rodeo competitions (my dad was a professional rodeo cowboy). I also played flag football. After college I attempted to play pro beach volleyball, but it did not work out.

We love how you created The Sunlight House to not only be a warm + inviting home but also a commercial shoot location—and now you are opening it to lark! You are always open and growing, what is your secret? 

The Sunlight House

Usually by dumb luck! I have been super fortunate to work with people that have really taught me about manifesting and creating my dream life. Some trial and error for sure. All my endeavors just get more fun and more fun with meeting amazing people along the way. 

Since so many film shoots have happened at The Sunlight House—is there one or two fun/cool experiences to share?

The first that comes to mind was a shoot with Kareem Abdul Jabbar. What a treat. He was shooting a Pharma ad and his team was amazing.

The 2nd was probably being asked to have my sweet yellow lab Maddie be part of a shoot. I quickly learned how to be a  â€œdog handler” on set.  It was hilarious.  After the 10th take she actually began to stop on her mark.  I was nervous, but she was a rock star.

Thanks Maddie cakes!

What should people know about designing inviting spaces? Is there one easy “must do” tip you can give them?

I always want people to “feel” joy and light energy in any space I create. I want them to feel like they would love to hang out, invite friends over and just really feel a lightness of being from any space I create. 

You have two enterprises going at the same time with Hang3 which launched earlier this year (congrats!). Can you elaborate on the underlying inspiration to support local artists? 

Hang 3 is another endeavor I stumbled upon. I had a collection of my own shots from all over the world and one day I began putting them together.  I then contacted some local incredible photographers from all different  talents and asked for some of their favorite heart filled work and Hang3 was born.  I now shoot my own images as well as recruit painters/photographers and help to broker their work to the design trade and all over.  It has and is currently a wonderful learning experience. 

Inspiring artwork now available at Hang3shop.com

We feel their is an expression or feeling you want to share with your endeavors? Are we onto something?

As I grow older, I find that creative endeavors and using my own creative unique gifts and sharing it with others brings me the most joy. (Besides my amazing 3 boys of course). I feel absolutely blessed to be able to do what I love and also make wonderful revenue streams 

We know you enjoy curating spaces and entertaining, are you the chef at home? 

Ha! My 3 boys might challenge this, but I have started to really enjoy cooking and wine pairing as I have gotten older.  Sampling food from around the world and having unique eating opportunities has been so much fun. 

What ingredient can you not live without? 

Tequila and my hot tea!  Any type of fish and Mexican food comes in at a close 2nd. 

Who, if anyone in the world, would you most like to dine with?

There are so many…but today it would be Leanne Ford the designer.

Her effortless creative style is so inspiring. 

What is your most marked characteristic? 

Always finding the silver lining or positive in a situation, no matter how dire it may seem at the time.  The universe is always teaching us something for our highest good. 

Design or Business school? 

I actually  have an MBA from my corporate days. It has helped me tremendously in my real estate investing and running my businesses. Design school probably would not have been for me. I always have to be out in the world learning.

What not so obvious thing should people know about being an entrepreneur?

All the mistakes that lead you to your right path. I think also sometimes being terrified but doing it anyway. 

What word or phrase do you most over-use?

Embarrassingly, the F word can fly out of my mouth a bit when I least expect it during last minute issues or running behind for a deadline. I would also say “everything is always working out” and “you got this”. 

What is your idea of a perfect day? 

A wonderful morning meditation, a beautiful ocean hike with my wonderful girlfriends, time spent with all 3 of my boys (they are now all older and getting them all 3 together is super hard now with them on different parts of the country). Ending with a fabulous meal, my boys/ friends or any creative souls. 

Who are your heroes?

First would be my 3 boys…they are amazing and handle any challenge that comes their way like gladiators.  Second would be my amazing Uncle Clayton Kiewel. We just lost him. He was the patriarch in our family and the man/person we all aspired to be. 

✚  ✚  ✚ 

Modern. Organic. Inspirational. Social Dining. Come on a lark with us!

Friday 3/22/24 w/the talented Chef Kyle Powers + Sous Chef Bryan Barnes!

Open invite. Limited Seats.


Guerrilla Lark, Kihei, Maui – Fall 2022

Chef Daniel Perlof and The Golden M.D. on a guerrilla lark in Kihei, Maui, image captured by Anna Gokieli

Create + Collaborate + Elevate, on repeat.

Super fun (& delicious) times a guerrilla lark in Kihei, Maui, image captured by Anna Gokieli

Here we find our wandering selves on the gorgeous island of Maui with fellow larker (and now resident) Chef Daniel Perlof who curated a delicious menu for our gathering:

+ + + maui sunrise menu + + +

quiche florentine accompanied by Hi-Spice hot sauce

burrata, molokai purple sweet potatoes topped w/pumpkin spice crumble 

kielbasa sausage + tree fruits w/cranberry garnish

local cold brew coffee

earthy juice blend 

Super fun (& delicious) times a guerrilla lark in Kihei, Maui, image captured by Anna Gokieli

Images captured by photographer @annagokieli feature the people, places, & things that inspire and keep us moving forward.

Super fun (& delicious) times a guerrilla lark in Kihei, Maui, image captured by Anna Gokieli

#itcomesinwaves #alwaysonalark #guerrillalark #lark #intentional #creativesession #chefdanielperlof #menusubjecttochange #mastersofmakeshift #goodtimes #goodvibes #create #collaborate #elevate #cultivate #inspire #food #fashion #flowers #passion #hawaii #maui #kihei #fall2022

Earrings discovered at TRIBE on a day trip to the awesome and stylish mountain town of Makawoa
Having fun with the people and places that inspire us. Guerrilla lark, Kihei, Maui

Modern. Organic. Inspirational. Social Dining.

Come on a lark with us!

Lark x The Salt Horse x Chef Natasha Reta, Laguna Beach

Samantha Savage Breit founder of The Salt Horse in Laguna Beach, image credit Diana Koenigsberg

🔥Ooh, what a lark!

We are grateful to all the beautiful people who came together to make this an evening to remember including:

✨those who arrived even after learning of our unfortunate circumstance (our chef’s car was stolen with EVERYTHING need to create an amazing four course meal.

✨those who arrived unknowingly and being graceful upon hearing the news (see above) or visit @chef_reta

✨those who stepped in to help cut & chop @thesalthorse array of fresh fruit + vegetables for salads & charcuterie

✨those who picked up the tasty woodfired pizzas, thanks @lbwinegallery

✨those who helped pour refreshing drinks, especially those delicious pineapple margaritas by @cocoscocktailcaravan

And many more behind the scenes such as @state_of_nowhere + @themeatco_losal + The Salt Horse farm-to-table contributors.

It was absolutely amazing + heartwarming to see everyone so engaged ; their contributions displaying the very best of us.

We will look forward to a proper lark at The Salt Horse w/Chef Reta soon!

Amazing Charcuterie created on-the-fly on a lark at The Salt Horse, Laguna Beach, image credit Diana Koenigsberg
Artist Andrea Luna Reece on a lark at The Salt Horse, Laguna Beach, image credit Diana Koenigsberg
Friends old & new enjoying food, wine & the (rediscovered) art of conversation on a lark at The Salt Horse in Laguna Beach, image credit Diana Koenigsberg
Super fun (& delicious) times on a lark at The Salt Horse in Laguna Beach, image credit Diana Koenigsberg

GoFundMe link for Chef Natasha Reta:


This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 22_8_Lark_Salt_DK000393.jpg
Super fun (& delicious) times on a lark at The Salt Horse in Laguna Beach, image credit Diana Koenigsberg

#lark #popup #communal #dinnerparty #californiastyle#socialdining #adventure #inspiration #perfectlyimperfect#create #connect #chefsmenu #meetthechef#passiononaplate #masterofmakeshift #natashareta ##cocktails #cocoscocktailcaravan #progressive #sustainable #grocer #gourmet #local#provisions #thesalthorse #socal #coastaloc #lagunabeach #summer2022

This memorable evening was captured by the talented + inspiring @dianakoenigsberg

Q+A with Chef Natasha Reta of Long Beach, CA

We are thrilled to have friend + collaborator Chef Natasha Reta curate the menu for our upcoming lark at The Salt Horse in Laguna Beach. You can feel the energy and enthusiasm flowing when she’s creating delicious––and some might say––daring plates for connection and nourishment. She thinks of and appreciates all the hands that brought each element of food, all arriving in perfect unison for our enjoyment. We loved engaging in this fun Q+A to give you a glimpse of this talented Chef:

Compliments of Chef Natasha Reta

Q. You have been on several larks… our early days numbering # 10-15 — any fun insights or memories to share?

A. Besides it being a complete blast every time. There is something magical about having a vision that when impacted by a collaborative effort. It always turns out 10 times better.

Q. How would you describe lark to a someone unfamiliar? 

A. A melding of minds over a delicious meal in a place you would never expect.

Q. How did you first arrive on the culinary scene?

It’s funny, my first restaurant job was when I was 4 years old and my mom took me her to work with her when she couldn’t find a sitter. I was given jobs like wiping tables and filling flowers while my mother the wine buyer met with reps and sales associates. On my “work break” I would watch the pastry chef make Creme Brulee. 

But my first authentic culinary experience was at George’s  San Francisco, which used to be the former Old London Wine Bar across from the Federal Reserve in the FiDi. I was looking for a serving job while I contemplated the thought of student loans for culinary school. Chef Michael Bilger said “don’t waste your time and money, I’ll set you up.” And he sure did, he took me under his wing and introduced me to culinary techniques I’d only read about before.  

Q. Where has this profession taken you? 

A. Everywhere.

Q. Where will you go next? 

A. Anywhere. The goal is to be the female version of Anthony Bourdain, may he RIP. 

Q. What is your most treasured memory when it comes to food?

A. Watching the Creme Brûlée being made for the first time. That’s when I realized the science and beauty behind Food. It’s science, art and fun all wrapped into one. I didn’t realize how hard it would be to juggle all of that at once.

Q. Do you have any favorite books/novels/magazines for inspiration?

A. Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain and life. Most of my inspiration comes from experience and conversation.

Q. If not culinary, what other profession could you see yourself doing?

A. Acting or Singing. I think you need to act to get through the chaos— and when the wheels fall off the bus, you may as well sing yourself out of it.

Q. Can you share a favorite dining experience? 

A. So many, I love food and all the moments I’ve had with it. But the most memorable would be my first time in Egypt. And the welcome meal we had with the family.  Being all the way around the world, it somehow felt so familiar and comforting even though the food was so completely new and exotic to me. Food is home to me. 

Q. What advice do you have for people who want to become chefs?

A. Make sure you are ready to be a mother, therapist, friend, artist, math teacher, engineer, and culinary master all in one. You have to be strong in mind and body. 

Q. What is your most treasured ingredient?

A. Salt. I like all of them. 

Q. When it comes to dining, what element do you often see overlooked?

A. Flat ware and cups. Many times operators purchase the prettiest items but forget to test the feel with food and the operations of plating.

Q. Can you describe your culinary style? 

A: A fusion of flavors and organized chaos, just like life. 

Q. Who are your heroes? 

A. My mom, she’s hasn’t been the biggest fan of my life choices, but she’s the biggest fan of my life. She’s never been shy to tell me how proud she is of me.  

Q. What phrase or word do you use too often?

A. Holy Chowder, I’ve been trying not to curse…..and I curse a lot, so now you hear more holy chowders than fucks.

Q. As we are all navigating new seas, any thoughts on the future of dining? 

A. Try to enjoy the moments of pause and be sure to cherish each bite. Many people worked hard to create the meal in front of you. Life is not perfect, but it’s better than nothing. 

Compliments of Chef Natasha Reta

Modern. Organic. Inspirational. Social Dining.  Come on a lark with us!

The Salt Horse
1816 S. Coast Hwy,
Laguna Beach, CA 92651
(x-streets PCH x Pearl)

Saturday, September 3, 2022, 6:00-9:00pm
$178. per person all inclusive 4-course chef curated meal + wine pairing 
by the talented Chef Reta + Cocktails by Coco’s Cocktail Caravan 

Purchase Tickets:  Let’s Go On A Lark!
non-refundable/absolutely transferable

Q+A with Samantha Savage Breit of The Salt Horse in Laguna Beach

We love collaborating with people who love their craft! Soon we’ll be soaking up the last days of summer enjoying food, wine & the rediscovered art of conversation at The Salt Horse in Laguna Beach. The good news is that everyone can come along through our images and stories!

Enjoy this fun little Q+A with Samantha Savage Breit, founder of this amazing local + sustainable grocer in Laguna Beach:

Samatha Savage Breit captured on a super fun (& delicious) lark at The Salt Horse in Laguna Beach on-the-fly by the talented photographer Missy Coyle.

Q. Where did you grow up? â€‹

A. Virginia Beach, Virginia ​​​

Q. We know you are close with farms + markets, what is your most memorable Famers Market experience? ​

A. One day I was in the parking garage on my way to my car when I noticed that the OG of the food buyers world was parked next to me. She is a powerhouse and highly respected at the Market by farmers and chefs, alike. As I approached my car she said Hi to me and from there we had a wonderful little chat. At the end of our chat, she offered me her favorite fresh juice from JJ’s Lone Daughter Ranch. The next week I went to JJ’s Lone Daughter Ranch and asked if I could order their juices for The Salt Horse. Laura replied, “So you are the girl from Laguna Beach that everyone is talking about!” I was blown away by the acknowledgment and with the feeling that I was being welcomed into the Santa Monica Farmer’s Market family, so to say, and I am incredibly grateful for the Market community! And the woman, Karen, who I met in the parking garage, is now a valuable mentor to me. 

Q. Are you a chef?

A. â€‹I pretend I am. 

Q. Why the name The Salt Horse? 

​A. The Salt Horse is a farm-to-table grocery store concept and brand. ‘Salt’ is the most important ingredient in the kitchen. It is the essential seasoning that can make or break a dish. I also love salt to the earth people, of whom I have the pleasure of working with. The ‘Horse’ represents the farm, the original way food was delivered and hardworking people, which you have to be to be in this industry. Coincidentally when I was looking up ‘Salt Horse’ online to be sure that it wasn’t already being used somewhere, I found out that ‘salt horse’ is an Irish nautical slang for corned beef. When I read this, I had chills up and down, for I was named after my Grandfather, Samual Savage, a deep-sea diver from Ireland. He passed away a month before I was born. It was a confirmation from the Universe.  

Q. What made you take “the leap” in pursuing your passions full time? ​

A. When a door opens, even at the most unexpected time and even when you don’t feel prepared or ready – you go through the door. 

Q. What is it that catches your eye (or heart) about a product? ​

A. The Why! Someone once told me: “People don’t buy what you do but why you do it!” I look for the ‘Why’ stories.

Q. What is your most memorable meal (one you made or one you’ve had)? ​

A. Super cool fact about me: my great aunt is Mimi Sheraton, the most renown and influential food and restaurant critic (first woman to hold that position at the New York Times), James Beard award winning cookbook author, brilliant storyteller, true visionary and living icon. I shared many of meals with her in the comfort of our family home but going out to a restaurant with her was an experience I will never forget. My most memorable meal with Mimi was at Daniel Boulud’s restaurant at the Brazilian Court Hotel in Palm Beach, Florida. Mimi invited me to dinner with her, her husband and a few of their friends. Chef Boulud ‘rolled out the red carpet’ and it was at that dinner that I fully understood who my aunt was. However, what made it the most memorable was after everyone ordered their dinner, Mimi made her opinion known to the table – I ordered the best and she was very impressed! I ordered my steak ‘Pittsburg style,’ which I always do, charred on the outside and (almost) rare in the middle. I remember every single detail of that meal we shared together.
Q. If no one was looking, what is your most prized ingredient? ​

A. Butter

Q. What is your idea of perfect happiness? ​

A. Newspapers as tablecloths, Blue Crabs in a bushel ready to be steamed, children jumping off the dock, surrounded by my family and friends, sand in my toes and a chilled drink in my hand. 

Q. What is your greatest extravagance? ​

A. A 5 lb lobster at The Station House in Lantana, Florida. But just the other day ​I made my first extravagant purchase – a Nissan Passenger Van. It is huge! I see it representing the growth of my business that I am manifesting and working hard towards every day. 

Q. What do you find yourself saying when people ask what it’s like have your own business? ​

A. I was born with a competitive, hardworking nature. Give me a challenge or high pressure – That’s how diamonds are made. (And dreams do come true.)

Q. What is your current state of mind? 

​A. Grateful for the incredible people and opportunities showing up in my life at the moment! Ready for what’s next! 

Q. If you could change one thing about how people enjoy food, what would it be? ​

A. Where people source their food. Mainstream grocery stores aren’t anywhere close to what they use to be and the food/food system isn’t either. People need to know where their food comes from, how it was grown, and how it got there. And for people to only eat seasonally! 

Q. What chef inspires you? ​

A. My brother Barrett. 

Q. What words or phrases do you overuse? 

​A. I read this as what words or phrases are overused – Curated. Curate is a work that is used too often with little understanding of its true meaning. The key to curation is knowledge and meaning – knowledge of the industry and a keen understanding and appreciation for all aspects of it. Is it curated? Does the person have knowledge? Have they taken the time to collect, research, and present only the best of something in a meaningful, intentional and purposeful way? 

Q. What do you most value about food culture? ​

A. Connection to community, family, friends, history and culture through food memories and storytelling. ​

Q. What do you hope to accomplish in life? ​

A. To make an impactful difference and transform the grocery business through mindful and valuable innovation. And most importantly to have a home where my two boys, family and friends always come to visit, creating memories, and to share that with the love of my life, whom ever that may be. Door is open. 

Q. Who/What inspires you? ​

A. I am easily inspired. Most especially in a garden – where fruit grows out of a flower and bees communicate by dancing. 

Q. What is your motto? 

A. I see you and I love you. I tell myself that every day. 

+ + +

If you ever have a chance to speak with Samantha in person, we highly recommend it. She is radiating positive energy and we know that, at this moment, she is right where she needs to be. We can’t wait to join her at the communal table.

Modern. Organic. Inspirational. Come on a lark with us!

The Salt Horse
1816 S. Coast Hwy,
Laguna Beach, CA 92651
(x-streets PCH x Pearl)

Saturday, September 3, 2022, 6:00-9:00pm
$178. per person all inclusive 4-course chef curated meal + wine pairing 
by the talented Chef Reta + Cocktails by Coco’s Cocktail Caravan 

Purchase Tickets:  Let’s Go On A Lark!
non-refundable/absolutely transferable

Q+A with Laura of Laura Brophy Interiors in Newport Beach, California

Laura Brophy captured by @missymphotography at her studio in Newport Beach.

We are thrilled to set our 55th communal table at Laura Brophy Interiorsin Newport Beach on Friday 9/10/21 with the talented Chef Kyle Powers. We love her energy, eye for design and enthusiasm–and that she is always up for an adventure. Although our lark communal dinner has sold out, we invite you to come along with this brief dive “below-the-surface” into her beautiful world of design.

Q. Where do you call home? 
I reside in Southern California, but home to me is wherever I have family and right now we have an opportunity to be nomads,o  I feel like that could be anywhere. 

Q. When did you decide to open your own business? What factors came into play?
Oh gawd, that is a loaded question. Come to dinner and I’ll tell you about it. But really, I eventually got “over the fear” and just went for it. It is the best decision I ever made. 

Q. Is your interior style influenced by anyone…any heroes out there?I am constantly inspired by fashion and feel that this influence of design can play anywhere, even in interiors. Kelly Wearstler is a great example of funky and cool, constantly translating her fashion aesthetic into the homes she designs. 

Q. By the local businesses in your area, your studio location straddles both the old and new in creative conquests. How does this influence or inspire your work (or day)?Being connected to TToes on the Noseis a dream situation. Love their vintage fashion vibe and would love to see this play into the California home lifestyle. 

Q. The mood in your studio is so positive, do you a have work style/management philosophy? I like people to thrive at what they are great at. We have a group of people whose individual skills all contribute to a group effort and that makes all the difference. 

Q. We know your taste + love for beauty and style is expansive, has the world of design always been a part of your life?Yes, growing up I went to fashions shows with my parents and they also exposed me to Interior Designers. I got an early view of the creative process and became inspired. 

Q. What is your favorite question to ask a potential client? How creative can we get on this project? 

Q. What three things do you love about being a Interior Designer?

  1. How personal this business is… working on homes, you become intimately involved in a client’s life..
  2. I really enjoy being able to source things and meet really interesting people.
  3. I get to do what I love. I consider it a gift knowing not everyone finds what they are passionate about.

Q. Can you share a bit about The Next Layer? Yes, it’s something we offer our clients and it’s a great way to transform a home quickly and make a space look personal without doing a huge remodel. 

Q. We always ask our chefs about culinary school–– is design school necessary? Yes, just to gain confidence and extra knowledge. Honing in on portion and scale AND the why behind things is an important aspect when designing a home.  Once you have a solid understanding of design, well, that is when you can break the rules. 

Q. Who or what currently inspires you?Instagram, there are so many amazing great amazing people on there. You can connect with people you admire easily. 

Q. What is your favorite culinary pleasure?Chef Kyle’s food! Going on larks! I like interesting experiences — things that are different.

Q. How did you hear about lark? I heard about it from Lisa on “the downlow” while we were both working in similar industries…. I followed her on Instagram for year before I made the leap and fell in love.

Q. We have collaborated on many occasions, want to share a quick, fun story about lark?  Well….there was this one occasion when Lisa almost got swept away by the ocean. It was a guerrilla lark in Corona Del Mar and it was absolutely the hardest set up and breakdown…we scaled our tables, chairs and food over craggily rocks to arrive at our perfect location. We dined with our feet in the water. It was so different and so fun!

Super fun times on. guerrilla lark in Corona Del Mar. Image captured by The Delauras.

Modern. Organic. Inspirational. Social Dining. Come on a lark with us!

New dates to be announced soon!

Q+A with Maria Isles | All Things Design in Newport Beach, California

Maria & Max Isles + Izzy, Photo captured at Isles Interiors by the talented @lanedittoe

We love Maria’s style, the way she connects so easily with others, and her sense of adventure. We are thrilled to set our communal table at her gorgeous + well-curated atelier in Newport Beach on Saturday 2/29/20. Although our lark communal dinner has sold out, we invite you to come along with this brief dive “below-the-surface” into her beautiful world of design.

Q. Where are you from–and where do you live currently?

A. I grew up in Pasadena and currently live in Laguna Beach. I have also lived in Santa Barbara and abroad in Singapore.

Q. What was your favorite subject in school?

A. Definitely Art!

Q. What was your most favorite occupation?

A. Obviously Interior Design.

Q. When did you realize you had a knack for Interior Design?

A. When I was about 4 or 5 years old. My dad had a construction company and I used to go in his warehouse and make doll houses for my weeble wobbles out of scrapes of wood, metal and glass. I was also obsessed with my moms Architectural Digest from a very young age. 

Q. What is your favorite and/or most ideal project?

A. My ideal project would be a new build in Montecito, a modern version of a Spanish Colonial. That would be my dream house. Clean and timeless with lots of wood, dark metal and Spanish decorative tile, my absolute love. My favorite project is my own ongoing house. We live in an adorable tiny 1936 cottage in Laguna Beach. It is the quintessential beach cottage. 

Q. You go on “buying trips” what are some of your favorite places? 

A. My favorite place to go on buying trips is of course England where my husband Max is from. I love the old country antiques that we find there. They are timeless and the craftsmanship is amazing. 

Q. What was your first trip like?  Did someone take you–or did you venture out on you own? 

  1. We always find time when we go back to England to venture out and source. Its so inspiring over there, whether we are in London at some cool old shop or in the countryside at a car boot sale. I have always just ventured out on my own. I have had tips from locals but its fun to wander and discover. 

Q. Any regrets on an object you might have passed up?

A. I just passed up an antique Oushak runner a few weeks ago, and now its gone, it was the perfect size, color and price! But my worst regret is an antique Gustavian dresser that I found at an estate sale up by Chateau Marmont in Los Angeles. I purchased it but sold it in my shop. I think about it all the time and how I should not have sold it!!!  

Q. We love that you like to host/entertain is this something you’ve always done? 

A. I think I started to entertain about 16 years ago when we bought our little cottage. We have an amazing front yard with 22 fruit and nut trees. Its small but its perfect for having intimate dinner parties or summer lunches in the garden. Its pretty magical. 

Q. What is your most memorable meal?

A. I don’t know if I could say what is my most memorable meal, but I love food and my husband Max and I are vegetarian so when I find amazing vegetarian restaurants or meals I really remember them. 

Recently we went to Double Zero in Venice and I had the most amazing vegan spaghetti bolognaise or as my husband calls it spag bol. It was made with mushrooms and walnuts and so incredibly delicious. I found a similar recipe, its take a long time to make it but soooo worth it! 

Q. We feel food, conversation x design go quite well together, do you have any thoughts on this intersection? 

A. Good food and design are both so creative and appeal to your senses. So of course they both individually and combined make great conservation! It’s the perfect mixture. 

Q.. Do you have a favorite quote?

A. “Gratitude creates abundance’.

Q. Who Inspires you?

Q. Some of my favorite designers are:

Amber InteriorsShe just rocks it

Nickey KehoeThe perfect duo

Lauren LiessLove her timeless sensibility

Kendall ConradHer fashion sense

Q. How do you envision your future of Isles Interiors–what direction do you most want to go? 

A. For Isles Interiors we envision continuing with our full scale interior design studio. Expanding on our new builds and full remodels. We are also in the process of designing a new line of furniture by Max, 5 or 6 signature pieces, that we can’t live without! I would love to open a studio in Santa Barbara and eventually London. 

Create. Collaborate. Elevate. Come on a lark with us!

Thursday, March 26, 2020 at Hello Kestan in Irvine, CA {details TBA soon}!

Guerrilla Lark The Wedge | Art of Picnic Newport Beach, California

Because there is so much beauty in doing.

Image captured on a super fun guerrilla lark by @kaileeinthekitchen at The Wedge in Newport Beach, CA

We are thrilled to have discovered a fun + fast way to get our creative juices flowing, lift each other up, and thank our collaborators.

Image captured on a super fun guerrilla lark by @kaileeinthekitchen at The Wedge in Newport Beach, CA
Image captured on a super fun guerrilla lark by @kaileeinthekitchen at The Wedge in Newport Beach, CA

As good as it looks! Fresh, delicious platter of beautiful arranged CruditĂŠs by the multi-talented @kaileeinthekitchen .

Image captured on a super fun guerrilla lark by @kaileeinthekitchen at The Wedge in Newport Beach, CA

We loved incorporating these colorful hand-stitched flags by artist Scott Richards of @slightlychoppy paying homage to the good times to the past, present and future of our local surf culture.

Image captured on a super fun guerrilla lark by @kaileeinthekitchen at The Wedge in Newport Beach, CA

Wintering in Southern California finds us with our sweaters off, but close at hand in case of a cool breeze or cloud cover.

Image captured on a super fun guerrilla lark by @kaileeinthekitchen at The Wedge in Newport Beach, CA

Thrilled to have the talented food blogger + photographer @kaileeinthekitchen capture the moment and the good energy of patisserie @mcakesweets — both enhancing this dreamy vibe! 

Image captured on a super fun guerrilla lark by @kaileeinthekitchen at The Wedge in Newport Beach, CA

Of course you will always find @lunareececeramics gorgeous ceramic plates adorning our communal table as well as a little white jumpsuit love from stylist @maysonhauck

Image captured on a super fun guerrilla lark by @kaileeinthekitchen at The Wedge in Newport Beach, CA
Image captured on a super fun guerrilla lark by @kaileeinthekitchen at The Wedge in Newport Beach, CA

A minimalistic bundle of dried florals by one our favorite florist @frenchbuckets of Lido Marina Village and Laguna Beach repurposed again + again.

Image captured on a super fun guerrilla lark by @kaileeinthekitchen at The Wedge in Newport Beach, CA

Create. Collaborate. Elevate. Come on a lark with us!

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Because it really has been a long cold winter, we feel it’s time to warm things up! Our next adventure finds us setting our communal table on Saturday 2/29/20 at the gorgeous Isles Interiors in Newport Beach with the talented Chef Kyle Powers.

Saturday, February 29, 2020, 6:30pm-9:30pm
Isles Interiors 

367 Old Newport Blvd.
Newport Beach, California 92663
(cross streets: Newport Beach Blvd. & Hospital Road)

$125. per person, all-inclusive food & drinks by Chef Kyle Powers 
Purchase Tickets*: 
Let’s Go On A Lark! 
*Non-refundable/absolutely transferable

Modern. Organic. Inspirational. Social Dining. Come on a lark with us!

Lark x Casa Van Daele x Chef Kyle Powers | Corona del Mar, California

Our last gathering of 2019 found us in a bundle of good energy as we came together to for a “private” pop-up communal dinner. We seldom do private events, but we can be convinced through a strong sense of sheer sincerity and determination. We are thankful to have this opportunity to do what we love…pulling together all the elements of a great dinner party!

The talented Chef Kyle Powers crafted a delicious four course meal (see the gorgeous hand illustrated menu below). Photographer, foodie and former bartender, Mitch Maher captured the evening while simultaneous slinging delicious “Bohemia Mama” signature cocktails to honor the birthday gal. Tyler Rodriguez poured his knowledge and love of wine while Daniel Perlof, Kailee Walters and Kim Johnson kept everything rolling. Our favorite jewel toned dried botanicals adorned the communal table alongside by bundles of fragrant sage to mark new beginnings.

Lark #52 Van Daele Residence w/Chef Kyle Powers
Lark #52 Van Daele Residence w/Chef Kyle Powers
Lark #52 Van Daele Residence w/Chef Kyle Powers
Lark #52 Van Daele Residence w/Chef Kyle Powers
Lark #52 Van Daele Residence w/Chef Kyle Powers
Lark #52 Van Daele Residence w/Chef Kyle Powers
Lark #52 Van Daele Residence w/Chef Kyle Powers
Lark #52 Van Daele Residence w/Chef Kyle Powers
Lark #52 Van Daele Residence w/Chef Kyle Powers

A big THANK YOU to all the Van Daele’s and all the beautiful people who came together to make this an evening to remember.

@mb.maher, @forkintheroadcatering, @winc, @lunareececeramics, @kaileeinthekitchen, @dperlof, @mymiddlenameisstarr, @mat3.photography, @frenchbuckets, @kimleej, @bodylanguageyoga and @catherinerising

Q+A with Summer Meek | Doing All Things With Love in Laguna Beach, California

Charlie & Summer Meet at The Soul Project in Laguna Beach

We were fortunate to meet Summer Meek at The Soul Project which is her gorgeous retail + event space in Laguna Beach. It’s warm and inviting and comfortable. We attended her The New Girls Network gathering and were surrounded by supportive female entrepreneurs who had gathered to share their stories. Now, we’d like to share Summer’s story:

Q. Since you are a native, what are your favorite childhood memories of Laguna Beach? 

A. Some of my favorite memories are of course long days spent at the beach, exploring the tide pools, hiking the hills. And my parents were both early Sawdust Festival artists and I have a lot of memories of time spent there. I think that’s where I caught my entrepreneurial spirit. Even then I had enterprising endeavors going on.

Q. We love how you ventured out to create + celebrate spaces that feel like home. Was this something you had always wanted to do?

A.  I have always believed in the energy of space. It’s challenging to explain and sounds woo woo to talk about but it is my super power. I love creating experiences I am passionate about it and add love to everything I do.

Q. You’re cottage-esque space is so warm and inviting, do you know the history behind it? Any interesting stories?

A.  My understanding is in the early days of Laguna Beach artists would come and build their cottage, live in the back, create during the week and then open the doors on the weekend for tourists. Before I moved in, The Knitting Store habituated the space. But during one Art Walk a woman came and shared that she once lived in the back and had her art gallery in the front it–was probably 25 years prior to me opening. She brought me pictures it was so fun.

Q. You began your business through creating graphic Tees for artists (and still do), but you are also constantly growing, evolving and exploring. What is it that drives / pulls you? Any advice for others?

A. When I opened I really wanted to create a community space and have people come have an experience, it’s interesting because that was five years ago and now experience is trending. I just saw it as an organic way to cultivate a community of like minded individuals. I am a curious person and I love to learn and I am always seeking new information and love learning about people and love to incorporate that into what we’re doing at the store whether that’s through product or new experimental offerings. Sometimes I meet these really an amazing people that I really want to work with because were aligned. Like when I met you.

Q. Your latest adventure, The New Girls Network has brought some exciting and energizing opportunities to your community. Where do you want (hope) it to lead?

A. We just celebrated a year since we started meeting, we meet the third Thursday of the month at The Soul Project, it’s a free networking event but it’s really more than that, it’s a place for woman entrepreneurs to gather in a supportive environment. There’s not posturing, you don’t have to be a certain kind of person and wear a certain outfit. You can show up as your authentic self. I don’t know where it will go and I don’t currently have plans to make it anything other than what it is. I have watched woman connect, make business happen, grow into an idea and bring it to life.

Q. It is fitting that The Soul Project is located in the revitalized “Hip District ” of Laguna Beach. Are there any behind the scene changes you are inspired by?

A. We have come together as a neighborhood and are really trying to breathe life into this part of town. We have some really amazing g retailers and new stores opening. I feell we are becoming the new Abbot Kinney.

Q. Thank you for opening your doors to lark! We can’t wait to dine in your “landscapers” garden, under the stars–have you always been a foodie?

A. I have been a foodie most of my life. I remember one day asking to be driven to the store so I could buy all the ingredients to make a chocolate cake from scratch. My mom asked how I knew to make it and I didn’t know, but I was inspired to try.

Q.  What is your most memorable dining experience?

A. There are so many it’s hard to pick just one. But the most recent one that comes to mind is a farm to table dinner put on by my friend and farmer at Blue Bird Canyon Farms in Laguna Beach. He works with a woman named Chef Jen Alvarez. It was the most beautiful setting, and the most delicious sustainable food. I could still describe every morsel I ate that night. There was also a very memorable drive up to a castle in Italy with a view to die for and a dinner that was some of the most delicious food.

Q. If you could dine with anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would it be?

A. Julia Child because she loved food, was cooky and zany, loved cocktails and didn’t seem to uptight. I had the pleasure of dining next to her not too long before she passed, that was most definitely one of my favorite star sightings.

Q, It’s an interesting and exciting time for female entrepreneurs – who are your current hero’s?

 A. Oprah Winfrey still impresses me on a regular basis and it’s inspiring how she has stayed true to her message and hasn’t seemed to sell out.  Gorjana Reidel is a local CEO that I have watched evolve her business and it’s really impressive.