Q+A with Visual Artist Matt Armendariz + Food Stylist Adam Pearson of Long Beach, CA

Thank you Matt & Adam for opening the doors to your amazing studio to lark! We are fascinated with the original Art Deco build dating back to 1924, making it just shy of 100 years old!

We loved how you cared for the building and how you really got into all aspects of interior design (one of our favorite realms).

The studio is a great combination in design, photography and full of good energy…and our chef cannot believe his lucky stars to have a beautiful, convenient, and fully functional kitchen (rare on a lark!).

Below are some fun Q + A’s for everyone to get to know you more: 

Adam & Matt on a super fun (& delicious) lark with Chef Kyle Powers at Urban Americana in Long Beach.
Image captured by the talented Talia Pashey.

How do you know each other?  We met online many many years ago, went on a date and have been together ever since!

How did your professional relationship evolve?  We both fell into our careers serendipitously and while we both perform different jobs within the photography world, it’s nice to have our work paths travel together.

What made you take “the leap” in pursuing your passions full time?  It was a necessity! We both wanted to work and like most things you must give it your all to get it off the ground. So we did. It’s easier said than done I realize.

You have done so much amazing work for magazines, books and just about anything that needs a great photo, what is/could be your dream duo project?  We’ve worked on so many amazing projects all over the world, I think at this point we are the happiest working with amazing people from all creative disciplines. As long as everyone is kind and the vibe is there, we’re happy!

As it is essential to your craft, why FOOD?  Food unites us. We all eat. We are all experts. We know what we like and what we don’t. It’s inherently political, sensual, personal. We have an immediate built-in common element with everyone through food.

What is your most memorable meal (one you made or one you’ve had)?   We’ve eaten in Michelin-starred restaurants all over the world, dive spots from coast to coast, and while they’ve all be once-in-a-lifetime experiences, we both tend to remember the meals that are personal, humble, and focus on the connection between people. I’ll never need another 29 course tasting menu!

What is your most prized ingredient for meals OR for photographing? There’s not one ingredient! All of them make our jobs so interesting and worthwhile!

What is your idea of perfect happiness? When life, work, health and energies are in balance.

What is your greatest extravagance? Adam: Caviar, fragrances, and skincare.  Matt: Champagne, my Oudh collection, and long summer days in the pool! With bubbles, of course.

What do you find yourself saying when people ask what it’s like to be a food photographer / food stylist? It’s quite a mystery to so many people; we’re usually met with “Wait, that’s a job?!”  The conversation then moves to what people THINK we do, as they think we use fake ingredients and slight-of-hand tricks. Alas, we do not.

What is your current state of mind? Clear.

If you could change one thing about how people look at and/or enjoy food, what would it be? We need to remove the shame-based aspect of food. Subsequently, we also need to remove the sanctimony involved with our food choices. Of course we can all make food choices that benefit the growers, the farm workers, the animals, the environment, but we don’t need to use these and things to brag about and make others feel less. But back to my shame-based statement… how many times have we said “Oh I deserve this because xyz” or “I can’t have that because I didn’t work out”?  Food is food. It’s for everyone and we deserve to eat what we like, not because we’ve earned it.

Who in the food world inspires you? José Andres for using his voice and heart for the entire world.

What words or phrases to you over-use? Adam: “Fuck.”  Matt: “Totally.”

What do you most value about food culture? It unites us. We can argue about politics and religion all damn day, but we all eat. 

What do you think the future of dining is?  It changes every few years. What’s new on the horizon next year will be dated in 3 years. It’s ever changing. So the future of dining will be anything and everything.

What is your motto? Be kind to yourself so that you may be kind to others.

Any favorite photos — perhaps one that comes with a fun behind-the-scenes story?   I could never pick any favorite photos!

+ + +

We love all the thoughtful answers (definitely food for thought) and can’t wait to step into their inspirational + gorgeous studio for welcome drinks & mingling leading up to a four course chef crafted meal and wine pairing…all while enjoying the (rediscovered) art of conversation.

Modern. Organic. Inspirational. Come on a lark with us!

Studio Armendariz + Pearson
428 West 10th Street
Long Beach, CA 90813
(x-streets Pacific + 10th)

Saturday, July 23, 2022, 6:00-9:00pm
$178 per person all inclusive 4-course chef curated meal + wine pairing
by the talented Chef Taylor Elam of Merkato

Purchase Tickets: Let’s Go On A Lark!
(non-refundable/absolutely transferable)

Q + A with Chefs Jim Sullivan + Alex Bolar of San Diego & Los Angeles

So thrilled to find our way back to collaborating with people who are passionate their craft. 

We’ve known the talented San Diego Chef & Photographer Jim Sullivan for since our early lark days and through the culinary connection haven known as The Hood Kitchen Space in Costa Mesa.

Chef Jim Sullivan

Chef Sullivans love for food + film have led him to various kitchens around the world from sandy surf shacks to Michelin Star restaurants. His energy and enthusiasm are contagious––and it’s just what we need at this moment. 

Chef Sullivan introduces to Chef Alejandro Bolar who comes from a background of his own supper club Eclair in Atlanta, Georgia and who currently finds his way creating delicious meals in various kitchens throughout Los Angeles and surroundings via kala

Chef Alex Bolar

We are looking forward to creating a super fun (& delicious) lark with these two chefs, who will be taking full creative control of the menu. 

We invite you along for the ride through this introductory Q & A:

Q. How do you two know each other?

Jim: I’ve known Alex for some time now. We originally met one another while cooking at a friend’s restaurant in Atlanta a few years ago.

Alex: We met in Atlanta at a restaurant called Better Half and then on a subsequent trip to California we met up again. We’ve been wanting collaborate for a while, definitely looking forward to creating some magic.

Q. What led you to lark? 

Jim: I’ve always admired the Lark events and have worked with Lisa a few times in the past, both as a chef and photographer.

Alex: Jim said had a friend…he showed me your instagram and I was in.

Q. How did you arrive in the culinary scene?

Jim: I basically grew up in the restaurant industry, starting at the age of 14. After having a long career in the medical field I decided to go back to school. I graduated from culinary school in 2007. Since then I’ve been doing pop ups, staging and being part of the restaurant industry as a professional food photographer.

Alex: My brothers and I are super competitive from who can catch the most or biggest fish to seeing who make the best burger.  During these times I noticed that cooking was fun and I had a natural gravitation towards it. During a semester off from college worked Silver Star deli and that introduced me to the commercial kitchen.

Q. Yay or nay to culinary school?

Jim: I did graduate from culinary school and while it was a great experience, I don’t think it’s necessary to become a great cook/chef. If a young person is motivated and can gain knowledge/experience under a great chef then I would suggest that route.

Alex: I went to culinary school and I met cool people along the way, but restaurants teach much more. For someone with a late start, they should consider a school… but if you have the time, working in a restaurant is the school of hard knocks — you’ll have no choice but to learn. 

Q. What is your most treasured memory when it comes to food?

Jim: For me that would be working as a young adult/teen at an Italian restaurant in my hometown. This is where I spent my formative years learning the ins and outs of the industry.

Alex: Fierce competitive cooking with my brother Kyle Bolar. 

Q. Can you share an impressive elevated dining experience?

Jim: I really like what Outstanding in the Field does. Jim Denevan travels around the country working with local farmers and local chefs. Together they create a fantastic dining experience. I’ve had the pleasure of both eating and working with his team a few times and I absolutely love what they do.

Alex: Atomix in New York City offered a 16 course meal. Korean fine dining. Also, Wolvesmouth in Hollywood was pretty amazing. 

Q. What advice do you have for people who want to become chefs?

Jim: Do it because you love it. Don’t do it expecting accolades, money or fame. Do it for the passion, love of food. I realize that sounds cliche but honestly it’s the truth. 

Alex: Always be willing to learn something new. With food, there is so much to learn. 

Q. What is your most treasured ingredient?

Jim: It used to be fresh seafood like uni or abalone. But as time goes by I’m learning to appreciate and use vegetables more.

Alex: A squeeze lemon on everything! 

Q. What is your go-to dish when cooking for yourself? 

Jim: Fried rice or Congee, using anything that’s left in the fridge.

Alex: Rice with soft egg and chili crunch.

Q. What is your go-to dish when cooking for others?

Jim: That would depend on the season and what is currently inspiring me. Recently it was using stone fruit.

Alex: Always something chicken based because it’s more familiar to people and there is no variation when it comes to cooking, i.e. raw, seared, etc….

Q. Who are your heroes?

Jim: Alex Bolar (wink wink)

Alex: My parents who are both self-employed, I am witness to them creating a life and lifestyle. 

Q. What phrase or word to you use too often?

Jim: F*ck

Alex: “My Man”… an ode to Denzel Washington! 

Q. As we are now navigating new seas, do you have any thoughts on the future of dining?

Jim: Man, that’s a tough one. I think the way restaurants are going to run for the foreseeable future has changed. Considering the rising costs of ingredients and the pandemic restaurants are dying off or barely hanging on. I see restaurants pivoting to more of a fast casual model, or dining halls. No longer are you going to fine dining or upper echelon restaurants unless you’re willing to cough up $300 or more per seat.

Alex: Restaurant owners will adapt to meet the needs of their employees. The gap is closing between fine dining and comfort food. Fine dining chefs are creating burgers and comfort food has become more acceptable. 

# # #

Modern. Organic. Inspirational. Come on a lark with us!

3/26/22 at our favorite designer playground known as Urban Americana in Long Beach.

Menu + More TBA!

Lark x Urban Americana x Chef Kyle Powers |The Dream Is Real in Long Beach, California

Friday, September 13, 2019

The moment before the guest arrive. Image captured by @mb.maher on a super fun lark at Urban Americana in Long Beach!

We started our late summer adventures at our favorite designer playground known as Urban Americana in Long Beach. Having popped-up at this unique location before, we knew we were in for a special evening. You cannot take a step inside this gorgeous vintage warehouse without being inspired by the timeless style of the past, while simultaneously dreaming of the future. This gentle pull + push lands you in a rare space we like to call the present moment.

It is such an honor to have Chris Geer, owner + creator of our favorite designer playground Urban Americana, embrace lark and open the doors to our curious & adventurous guests — and even more so to have him an his wife join us at the communal table.

Chris Geer (Urban Americana) + Lisa Martinez (Lark) on a lark at the super hip Urban Americana in Long Beach!

We spent the evening doing what we do best, creating good vibes, acquainting with friends old and new, delving into interesting conversations and sharing delicious food.

Stylist @maysonhauck always sets the good vibes! Image captured by @mb.maher on a super fun lark at Urban Americana in Long Beach

Our guests, ranging from designers to deep sea explorers to culinary lovers took to the lark with ease embracing the connections that come so naturally when immersed in such an inspirational setting. 

Guest mingle amongst the cool mid-century + antique vibes of Urban Americana. Image captured by foodie, photographer + conversationalist: @mb.maher

Manuel, of Manuel The Band, kicked off the evening playing acoustic guitar and singing Casual Love while we mingled about sipping on  local / vegan / sustainable 2017 Finke’s Sparkling White Blend hand selected by Billy O’Connell of @winc and poured with love by wine aficionado (+ yoga enthusiast) Tyler Rodriguez.

This is our seriously talented friend Manuel. He is in the band. @manueltheband check them out!

Chef Kyle Powers & Sous Chef Nelson Johnson created the most awesome looking makeshift kitchen from Urban Americana’s beautifully weathered industrial work bench sending the the first smells of crispy garlic + fried mushrooms into the air with innate and palpable enthusiasm.

Chef Kyle Powers + Nelson Johnson rocking the Makeshift Kitchen, California Style, at Urban Americana!
Welcome to the prep! Image captured by @mb.maher on a super fun lark at Urban Americana in Long Beach
Guest settle in for an evening of food, wine & conversation.Image captured by @mb.maher at Urban Americana in Long Beach!

As this was lark #50, we took a moment to share-and be thankful for-our collaborative approach where we work should-to-shoulder to create these larks and all of the fulfillment that has come from doing what we love, especially the idea of recognizing and appreciating each other, our supporters, and the moment. 

Tyler Rodriguez, Lisa Martinez, Kailee Walters, Daniel Perlof, Nelson Trey and Kyle Powers–on a lark!
Steamed clams in dashi: crispy garlic. seaweed. watermelon radish. fried mushrooms compliments of Chef Kyle Powers.
Tyler Rodriguez captured by @mb.maher on a super fun lark at Urban Americana in Long Beach
Steamed clams in dashi: crispy garlic. seaweed. watermelon radish. fried mushrooms compliments of Chef Kyle Powers!
Daniel Perlof on prep! Image captured by @mb.maher on a super fun lark at Urban Americana in Long Beach!
Image captured by @mb.maher on a super fun lark at Urban Americana in Long Beach
Because we are in this together! Super fun times on a lark at Urban Americana in Long Beach. Image captured by @mb.maher
Fried reed avocado: crab. fried herbs. lemon chili aioli compliments of Chef Kyle Powers. So good!
@kaileeinthekitchen captured by @mb.maher on a super fun lark at Urban Americana in Long Beach
Super grateful to all the “yes” people in the room! Image captured by @mb.maher on a super fun lark at Urban Americana in Long Beach!
Image captured by @mb.maher on a super fun lark at Urban Americana in Long Beach

How fortunate we feel to having our favorite foodie + conversationalist Mitch Maher capture the evening and to be accompanied by the endless talents of: Jack-of-all-Trades Daniel Perlof, Stylist Mayson Hauck, Ceramicist Andrea Luna Reece and Food Blogger Kailee in the Kitchen

A little “bluffer” –2018 The Bluffer Valdiguié–from our friends @winc thoroughly enjoyed on a lark at Urban Americana.
Beef tenderloin + beets: golden berry. golden beet. shish leaves / strawberry. red beet. Image captured by @mb.maher on a super fun lark at Urban Americana in Long Beach

A surprise (thanks Kyle!) awaits on the tail end of our lark, when Rita Pham of mcakesweets showcased her amazing talents in creating the most beautiful & best tasting desserts including a gorgeous Earl Grey Cake making this occasion extra sweet. 

Rita Pham of @mcakesweeks rocks the celebratory vibes on a lark at Urban Americana in Long Beach!
@mcakesweeks rocks the celebratory vibes on a super fun (50th!) lark at Urban Americana in Long Beach!
@mcakesweets, Chef Kyle Powers + Nelson Johnson roll into our”50th” lark pop-up communal dinner party!
Rita Pham of @mcakesweeks rocks the celebratory vibes on a lark at Urban Americana in Long Beach!
Rita Pham of @mcakesweeks rocks the celebratory vibes on a lark at Urban Americana in Long Beach!
Image captured by @mb.maher on a super fun lark at Urban Americana in Long Beach!

Modern. Organic. Inspirational. Social Dining. Come on a lark with us! 


As we are always on a lark…here’s a few {personal} moments to share:

Clam-less in Long Beach

Unfortunately the adventure was too much for one little clam (he didn’t make the lark). Soon I discovered that all the elements of this dish, clam excluded, were over-the-top satisfying. 

Lark Therapy 

I was well into a conversation, dabbling into bits of my history (military brat, late bloomer, endlessly curious), when I learned I was speaking with a professional therapist. I feel better already! 

Why Do I Feel Happy

A gentleman on a lark leaned over and said, I feel happier than I have in a long time and I don’t know why. We all chimed in on the endless benefits of social dining.

Hot Yoga

As a universal rule, we only lark in extreme weather and this smoking hot evening was no exception. We laughed at how the high humidity made our “purposeful work” (set up + breakdown) feel more like hot yoga!

Lark + Urban Americana + Chef Kyle Powers | Embracing All Things Retro in Long Beach, California

Friday, August 31, 2018

We had the most amazing time setting our communal table at the ultra hip designer playground Urban Americana  in East Long Beach. The space is so inviting and inspirational… to walk through the warehouse listening to music and taking in beautiful elements of design was magical. Add friends (old and new), great conversation, delicious food and wine pairing (thanks Chef Kyle Powers, Tyler Rodriguez & crew!), a touch of style…. ah, well, there you have lark!

Thanks to all the beautiful people who who came together to make this night possible.

Until we lark again.


Menu crafted by the talented Chef Kyle Powers of Fork In the Road Catering and pair with wine from California based Waylan Wine Co.

1. pistachio +  cashew apple butter toast
2. heirloom tomato salad basil oil tomato water basil flowers burrata grey salt.
3. brussel sprout tortelli, black garlic dust, crispy mortadella * sub king mushroom for vegan *
4. smoked then fried duck, sage waffle, luxardo cherry sauce, green onion tahini puree.  *vegan option: sesame and macadamia crusted tempah, fried rainbow cauliflower, green onion tahini*
5. peach tea whiskey (by stillhouse) infused strawberries, smoked cream, sable cookie, brulee figs.

+ + + + +

Organic. Modern. Inspirational.

Lark inspired by Chris Greer, owner of Urban Americana / Images captured by the lovely and talented @taliadecoite / Hand-made ceramics by our favorite artisan Andrea of @lunareececeramics / Wine Aficionado Tyler Rodriguez / Fashion inspired by @stylingbyjo / Overall awesomeness by @laurabrophyinteriors + @jaxsea / Pure water + Wilson’s Coffee by @theurbanspring / Cool finds by @shopkeye

On a lark at Urban Americana Summer 2018

On a lark at Urban Americana Summer 2018

On a lark at Urban Americana Summer 2018

On a lark at Urban Americana Summer 2018

On a lark at Urban Americana Summer 2018

Chef Kyle Powers on a lark at Urban Americana Summer 2018

On a lark at Urban Americana Summer 2018

On a lark at Urban Americana Summer 2018



Guerrilla Lark at Casa Blanca | The Dog Days of Summer in Long Beach, California

Let’s go on a lark!

It’s official, the dog days of summer are here! Our super hot guerrilla lark at Casa Blanca in downtown Long Beach took this fashionable crew on an adventure in style, food and conversation.

This fast, fun and unpredictable style of setting communal tables and sharing meals allows our crew to express themselves, generate ideas and inspiration, create beautiful imagery, highlight and thank our collaborators and dream of future larks.

We are grateful to all the beautiful people who gathered to make this a memorable experience – no doubt, a precursor to our upcoming lark communal dinner party at the super hip Cleobella Beach Bungalow in Sunset Beach.

Organic, modern. inspirational communal dining.

Come on a lark with us!

Open invite, limited seats.

16792 14th Street
Sunset Beach, CA 92651
(Cross streets: PCH & 14th Street)

+ + + + +

Friday, August 17, 2018, 6:30pm-9:30pm
$125 per person, all-inclusive good vibes, four course menu & wine pairing
Purchase tickets*: Let’s Go On A Lark!
*Non-refundable/absolutely transferable

Images feature:

Beautiful pots + plates by @lunareececeramics
Gorgeous (& fun) fashion + bags by @cleobella
Delicious food by Chef Dan Perlof @rhymeandreasoncatering
Stunning Floral by @frenchbuckets
Conversation and creativity by all, including: @laurabrophyinteriors @jaxsea @billyaloha
Location, cocktails and photos by the talented Mitch Maher of MBMaher.com

On a super fun (and hot) guerrilla lark at Casa Blanca!

Having fun in fashion on a guerrilla lark at Casa Blanca!

Good (& delicious) times on a guerrilla lark at Casa Blanca!

Going for the grilled artichoke thanks to Chef Daniel Perlof!

Grilled lambs “pops” hit the spot, compliments of Chef Daniel Perlof who will be crafting the menu for lark #39 at Cleobella on Friday 8/17/18.

Elevated table scape thanks to French Buckets!

Good times & good vibes on a guerrilla lark at Casa Blanca.

Creating and sharing on a guerrilla lark at Casa Blanca.

Luna Reece Ceramics meets French Buckets, once again!

Cheers! Something about creating fills you up in so many ways. Thanks for coming on a lark with us!

Lark + Cleobella! Because we like their style!