On Thursday, May 30, 2019 we enjoyed a most gregarious lark at the design haven of @mcgeeandco in East Side Costa Mesa! Here gathered around the communal table to disconnect + reconnect over a chef crafted meal, delicious wine & the subtle art of conversation.

The Master of Makeshift, Chef Kyle Powers, rocked the menu once again – and the McGee gals came through with some serious style.
We are super thankful to all the beautiful people who came together to create such a memorable & adventurous evening @mcgee&co @mrforky @forkintheroadcatering @theurbanspring @lunareececeramics @emweber @dperlof @kaileeinthekitchen @mb.maher @amenahdesigns + @theflowerstand.
Our next lark finds us greeting the first day of summer, Friday 6/21/19, by taking in salty air + beautiful surroundings at the gorgeous waterfront retreat of @tressapothecary in Newport Beach.
Modern. Organic. Inspirational. Social Dining. Come on a lark with us!

Image credit to photographer, foodie, conversationalist: MB.Maher.com